A car accident or other personal injury can change your entire life in an instant and insurance companies will go to great lengths to keep from giving you the money you deserve, adding unnecessary financial strain on your family when the bills start adding up. Do not panic. I can help you from the very beginning by providing sound advice that will help you protect yourself, get compensated for ALL of your damages, and relieve you of the added stress and anxiety of having to deal with the insurance company and lawyers on your own.
You may be entitled to more than just medical bills and repair costs but the insurance companies aren't going to tell you that. You may be entitled to lost wages for time missed at work or loss of your job all together, loss of enjoyment of life like raising and playing with your kids like you used to do, playing sports and exercising, or simply just walking to the kitchen without pain. You may also be entitled to pain and suffering and other damages. Your spouse may be entitled to damages as well for the loss of your services in your family household and in your marriage. Ask me.
If you are a medicaid or medicare recipient, I can help you file and monitor your claims and help you minimize your ultimate out of pocket expenses and maximize the money you put in your pocket. This process can be complicated and time consuming. I can help.
Call me to discuss your situation. It's free.